
What is a wand? Put simply a wand is an energetic tool which may be used to focus intent and what is often described as subtle energy to bring about change in oneself, in others and ones environment. Wands are fashioned from a multitude of materials and to many designs.

Wands have been used in many cultures throughout history. Wands and other vibrational tools were used extensively in Atlantean, and Lemarian cultures, which filtered down to many of the cultures of Africa, and Europe. In fact their legacy is still seen in positions of authority in modern society, such as staffs, crooks, and sceptres wielded by church leaders and heads of state.

As interest has rekindled in all forms of energy work, magic, healing modalities, wiccanism, and shamanism, wands have found resurgence in our society. Most countries will have a number of craftsmen and women creating wands of various designs.

Wands can be made from wood, metal or indeed anything, which will conduct subtle energy. Plastics and other materials can be used to fashion wands but are not generally used because of their insulating properties. Leather was and is used in some wand designs to insulate the energy field of the practitioner from the wand. The choice of insulation is purely personal but our designs use conductive materials to link the energy field of the practitioner directly with his or her wand.

Many traditional wands were, and still are, made from wood. For those of you who may wish to fashion your own wooden wand it is important for the energetics that the wand is of live wood. If a branch or twig is cut from a tree or plant, the life force that animates the wood will be rapidly withdrawn from the branch in order for the plant to conserve its energy.

Live wood is obtained by tuning in to the consciousness of the tree and asking that a gift of the chosen branch be given. Sit or stand with the tree for a while, spend some time getting to know the tree. Then when it feels appropriate either out loud or in your head state that you wish to be given a section of live wood to create a wand and ask that the vibration and energy be left in the section from which the wand is to be fashioned. Once you have cut the live wood thank the tree, and leave some form of exchange. The wand can then be fashioned or carved into an appropriate form and augmented with the addition of crystals, coloured ribbons feathers or other items significant to you.

Wooden wands are by their very nature ideal for practitioners of earth magic, wiccans, etc. Generally speaking wooden wands have a very subtle, flowing natural feel to their energy. The wand was and indeed still is a part of Druidic and shamanic tool kits. The wand is used to work with the element of air, which is associated with the mental body and the intellect, hence its use as a focus for ones intent.

In contrast to wooden wands metal-based wands are highly conductive, very directional and focused energetically. Designs may include matrices of wires or metal rods to form the wand, or more commonly a metal tube with crystals and other materials mounted in them.

The easiest form of metal wand to fashion is a tubular wand. Copper or stainless steel pipe is easily obtained and cut to length using a pipe cutter or hacksaw. Crystals are then mounted at either end of the pipe. Some designs place additional crystals or energetic materials in the pipe to confer different energy frequencies for different applications.

Designs vary and some of the most ornate metal wands have platonic solids and other complex shapes and wire matrices bonded to the pipe or handle.

In addition to using crystals to enhance a wooden or metal wand, some wands are fashioned from pure crystal. In order to form the blocks of crystal into a wand specialist tooling is generally required depending on the hardness of the crystal.

While it is possible to fashion a quartz wand using carborundum paper it will take a very long time, and a lot of elbow power. These wands are best purchased ready made but can easily be augmented with the addition of extra crystals or built into metal or wooden wands if so desired.

Once the basic wand of whatever material is formed the energy may be augmented by the addition of other crystals. These crystals will blend their vibrations with that of the wand in order to bring about positive change. Winding conductive materials such as metal wire around the wand can further augment the energy of the wand. If a spiral is wound down the piece, or even multiple spirals, then the energy flow will be further amplified. Using these basic principles the harmonics of a wand can be tailored to suit any practitioner.

Once having obtained your wand, either after purchasing one or making your own, what to do with it? The simple answer will be to follow your own intuition, but the following tried and tested techniques have worked for us.

Wands are usually rod like in construction, generally one end collects energy which is focused down the wand and directed via a crystal or a point to bring about change. One of the most common designs utilises a sphere as the collector and a point at the other end as a director.

Wands are normally held in the right hand. Energetically we receive energy with the left hand and give with the right hand. Focus your intent and then direct the energy through the wand to the recipient. The wand may be used in this fashion to draw sacred symbols, connect crystals in a grid or matrix, or direct energy to a person, time or place.

One of the prime uses of a wand is in healing. The wand may be used in whatever fashion feels appropriate. The wand may be passed up and down the recipient pointed at wounds or energy blockages etc and energy will be directed in. In addition the wand may be placed base down on the recipient in order to draw negative energy or pain etc out. Once this energy is drawn out it is important to transmute this negativity and there are a number of methods to achieve this.

A statement of intent that the negative energy removed during healing is transmuted into positive energy is one way of achieving this. Directing the energy into a vortex of purple light may also be used. Calling on guidance, angelic energies, or ascended masters such as Saint Germain to assist in the transmutation of negative energy may also be used.

After the wand has been used it should be cleansed using a smudge stick, visualisation or by blowing down the wand to remove any negativity.

Wands may be laid on a recipient to balance the energy system, or to open the chakra chain. In addition to healing, wands may be used as an aid to meditation simply by holding the wand whilst in the medative state.

A good wand is a powerful partner in any form of energy work. Tell it what you want it to do, give the wand clear instruction on what you want doing , i.e. place it at the feet of the recipient and ask the wand to open the chakra chain and dissolve any negative energies it encounters. Then turn it around and ask that it draws any negativity it has dissolved from the person's energy field. Of course thank the wand and those who have worked through the wand for their efforts.

Never point your wand at anyone without the intent to heal or bring about positive change, and again never without his or her permission. Take care of your wand and always cleanse it after use.

In time most practitioners develop a method of working with the wand, which suits them, this article is intended as a general guide to enable you to develop a technique, which works for you. Feel free to experiment, but we recommend that before working with any energetic process a simple affirmation that what will take place occurs for the highest good of yourself and any recipient is good practice.

Your wand is a powerful tool for change at all levels and as such should be used with responsibility.


Robert Kennedy

Robert and his partner Tania have been working in the field of wand and energetic tools co-creation for a number of years. They are both practising Reiki Energy Masters. They live and work in the south east of England. Information on much of their work may be found at http://www.wandwork shop.co.uk
