Creating a Book of Shadows

Basically the Book of Shadows is a book in which wiccan (and many pagans) keep a record of their magickal workings. You may have seen movies and cartoons of witches reading their spells and enchantments from a book. Yet there is more to it than just spells. In it you will find rituals, invocations, healing items, words of wisdom, affirmations, insights, formulas, and other basic instructions.

Your Book of Shadows becomes your magickal journal. You do not only record your spells and rituals, but also the results whether you succeed or fail. The more details you provide the better for you and future generations. You are providing yourself and them with an extensive embodiment of knowledge through your works and findings that will become invaluable. Who knows? Maybe your Book of Shadows will become a heirloom!

Some wiccan and pagans also include research information and facts and figures on subjects as astrology, elements, herbs, crystals, and more. Others prefer to keep it on a separate book they call the Book of Light. It is up to you whether you want to include research information as part of your Book of Shadows or on a separate book.

Anything can be turned into your Book of Shadows. There are those who keep their Books of Shadows on special parchments which they write with magickal inks. This is rather expensive though. Others prefer to buy bound books. If you do not have too much money you can use notebooks or write everything on papers and have them bound. I hear those machines are quite inexpensive. But if you are a computer freak like me, you can keep your Book of Shadows on diskettes. (Just make sure you make backup copies!)

This is a simple outline to start your first Book of Shadows. Remember, nothing is written in blood. That means that there is plenty of space for differences. You can make changes to this outline to add your own touch, so feel free to do it.

Book of Shadows outline:

  • Title Page
    Here is where you can put the name of your Book of Shadows. It can simply read "Book of Shadows," or you can add your magickal name to it, for example, "Raven Dance's Book of Shadows." If you have given your tradition some name, then you can put it as part of the title, "The RavenLake Tradition Book of Shadows." But it can also simply have a pentagram and your name in runes. It is up to you.
  • Rules
    By now you must have created your own set of rules or code of conduct by which you bide to. Write it down.
  • Invocations of the Goddess and God or a book blessing
    Again, this is up to you. You can write a couple of invocations and put it after the rules. Some witches prefer to write a blessing instead.
  • An altar diagram
    This one is self explanatory. Draw a diagram of your main altar. Also write an explanation for each item in it.
  • List of Deities
    Write down the names of the deities that are part of your pantheons as well as a description of each one.
  • Tools of the Craft
    List those tools that are important to you. Provide a detailed description of each.
  • Circle casting
    Write in details those circles you have casted.
  • Prayers, invocations, and chants
  • Self-initiation rite
  • Magickal rituals and spells
    Remember to provide as much details as possible.
  • Magickal information
    Herbal lore, crystal information, symbols and signs can be found in here.

(source of material unknown to me)