Binghamite (Silkstone, American Tiger Eye)
Binghamite was named for W.J. Bingham. It is also called "Silkstone" for the silky look of the colors and strings of "silk" in it, and sometimes called "American Tiger Eye" because it resembles a tiger eye. Binghamite is a stone that is said to bring all manner of good things, particularly good fortune. It is also said to have the energies of fairies and elves, which is a very positive energy. In crystal work, Binghamite is used to communicate with the inner child. It is also used by metaphysicians for clairaudience and communication with other worlds. Physically, in crystal healing lore, Binghamite is used to regenerate energy flow in the body, renew cells, eases disease, Theta brain wave patterns, burns, convulsions, anemia, and ear nose and throat problems. Binghamite is also used in crystal healing to energize and direct other minerals energies.

Bixbite (Red Beryl)
Bixbite, red beryl, is known metaphysically as a stone of soothing and healing. It is used by intuitives and mystics to bring harmony to relationships and enhance compatibility. It is alsosaid to be helpful to heal griefs and depressions. Bixbite is also used to strengthen creativity energy. Physically, intuitive sources say that bixbite is good for healing problems with the physical heart, liver, lungs, mouth, throat, stomach, physical energy level, and digestive system. Bixbite is related to the heart and sacral chakras.

Bloodstone is a deep green stone with small red specks. The small red specks are where the stone gets its name. They make the deep green stone appear to be spotted with blood. Bloodstone is excellent for centering and grounding. It is said to help with calming, particularly in survival situations. It brings mystical energies of increasing adaptability and organization, and lessening confusion and anxiety. It is said to be a a stone of courage, bringing mental, physical and emotional renewal by releasing blockages. It is said to be particularly good for helping emotional traumas and grief. It also enhances the intellect. Bloodstone is mystically used to bring energy to one in many ways, including bringing abundance and prosperity, as well as smoothing the way with legal issues. It is associated with the base, sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras. Bloodstone is said by intuitive sources to be helpful in treating anemia and other diseases of the blood, blood pressure, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, kidney, bladder, physical strength issues, physical traumas, and post-surgical issues.

Blue Calcite
Blue calcite is a calming and soothing stone. It amplifies energies, particularly in the areas of communications and thought. In the physical realm, blue calcite is used for the throat, lungs, tonsillitis, thyroid, joints, arthritis, and high blood pressure.

Blue Chalcedony
Blue chalcedony is a stone with a gentle energy that feels kind of dreamy. It fosters balance between mind, body and spirit. It is a stone of calm and peace that reduces or negates hostility, anger, and irritation. Blue chalcedony soothes and fosters mental and emotional stability and can engender emotional honesty. It also encourages and eases communication, particularly what would otherwise be emotionally charged communication. Blue chalcedony is excellent for the psychic work and skills of clairvoyance, intuition, and energy healing. It also helps reduce or eliminate bad dreams by getting rid of the influences that cause them. Blue chalcedony has a very protective property, which is evidenced in both the physical and emotional realms, and it is used often for protection from the evil eye and protection from evil, particularly evil magic. Physically, blue chalcedony has been used for the eyes, open sores rapid healing, alzheimers, lactation, blood, circulation, bones, spleen, and gall bladder.

Blue Lace Agate
Blue lace agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquility. It assists in flight, grace, reaching higher Spiritual planes, communicating with angels and activates the throat chakra. It can ease the harsh edge off communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth discussions. It is an inspiring stone that can assist in inner attunement, and has been used to perform miracles. As with all agates, it is a protective stone. Physically it has been used to aid with arthritis, headaches, digestive issues, growth, and bones. Blue lace agate is related to the element of Air.

Blue Peruvian Opal (Blue Andean Opal)
Blue Peruvian (Andean) Opal is mystically known as a stone of courage and ingenuity. It is said to improve self-esteem and self-love. It is also said to be an aid to creativity and communication of all types. It is reputed to help one find a confidant. Peruvian blue opal is also said to help with stress reduction, fatigue, and weight loss. Crytal healing lore reputes that Peruvian (Andean) blue opal is physically healing for fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, metabolic balance issues, iron absorption, dizziness, and brain disorders. Blue Peruvian opal is associated primarily with the throat chakra.

Blue Quartz (aka Dumortierite Quartz)
Blue quartz, sometimes called dumortierite or dumortierite quartz, enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness. This enhancement is believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat chakra and enhancing communication between lower chakras/physical energy and the higher chakras/mental/spiritual energy. It highly reduces difficulties of scattered mind and disorganization. In addition, it encourages one to see and accept reality, and react to it in an intelligent manner in one's own behalf.

Blue Tigers Eye (aka Hawk's Eye)
Blue Tigers Eye, which is also known as Hawks Eye, enhances integrity of communication and practical communication. It can help find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. Blue tigers eye can be used for protection, especially of the upper chakras. It is also said to bring good luck to one who wears or carries it. Blue tigers eye is associated primarily with the throat chakra.

Bone, Dinosaur (Fossilized)
Petrified or Fossilized Dinosaur Bone increases energy and memory. It has ties with the deep past, and this makes it an excellent stone for past life work. Dinosaur bone is also wonderful for calming anxiety, in particular survival anxieties. It helps, too, with communication and ability to understand communications. Physically, dinosaur bone is used for healing of paralysis, broken bones, hearing, vigor, regulation of body temperature.

Botswana Agate
Botswana agate is sometimes called the "change stone" because of its property of helping one handle change in a positive way. It gently helps one make transitions of any kind in a way that change is not as difficult or painful as could be without it; it is a comforting stone. Carrying a bit of Botswana agate in your pocket can help one cope easily with the minor changes that life throws at us daily. Relief from depression and/or grief is another property of Botswana agate. It helps focus on solutions instead of problems, and thereby increases creativity. It increases the power of one's intuition. Botswana agate is helpful in overcoming addictions and other self-destructive compulsive behavior patterns, as well as dealing with repressed emotional issues. As a success stone, it helps one achieve and cope with success. It is also a stone of sensuality. It is beneficial to the nervous system and can help rid the body of toxins, as well as help in the healing of broken bones.

Bowenite is also the official state mineral of Rhode Island, and is found in colors ranging from light yellow, canary yellow, light and dark green, brown, blue and gray. Bowenite is a stone that has crystal healing energies of protection from enemies and destructive forces of all types via a protective energy field. It is an excellent and unusual stone of protection. Bowenite is also known as a stone of fidelity and a dream stone. It is said to assist with dream-solving, which is finding the answers to problems through dreamwork. It is also said to release stuffed or hidden emotions through dreams. Bowenite is used in crystal healing for diseases and ailments of the head and scalp.

Brecciated Jasper
Brecciated Jasper (sometimes spelled brecceated jasper or bracciated jasper) has the qualities of enhancing organizational abilities, relaxation, and a sense of wholeness. It is occasionally used to assist when dowsing. It aligns the chakras and balances the yin-yang, physical, and emotional. It is a stone of protection, and is used in particular for protection during astral travel. Brecciated jasper encourages attunement and communication with animals and can help with animal allergies, plus other allergies. It brings happiness and a good outlook on life and eases stress. Brecciated jasper can help increase physical endurance and ward off dehydration. It is also a good stone for grounding oneself and is associated with the root chakra.

Bronzite is called both a "Stone of Focused Action" and a "Stone of Courtesy". It is helpful for helping with certainty and with taking control of our actions. It can also help one to think ahead about things, enhancing the ability to take control of our own lives. In this, because bronzite helps dispel uncertainty, it can help us also take necessary actions for our own benefit, while still being loving and polite and principled in our behavior. Bronzite is a good grounding stone also. It is excellent for these same reasons to promote change in a harmonious way. Physically, Bronzite is used in crystal healing for ailments related to the solar plexus chakra, assimilation of iron, lessening muscular tension, dispelling restlessness caused by emotional and psycho-physical ailments.

Bustamite is best known for its energetic ability to remove and clear energy blockages. It is a very powerful stone for all types of energy work because of this. It can remove an energy block from a person, a particular chakra, an environment, or a situation. It is also excellent for meditation and can help one go deeper into meditation than previously possible. It is also great for dreamwork and can help communicate with angels. Bustamite is used often in ceremonies and initiations. Emotionally, bustamite helps one feel safe, which can lead to many different kinds of emotional healing, including removing anxiety and stress. Physically, bustamite has been used to heal and improve circulation, lungs, skin, nails, hair, and stress related disorders.