Emerald is a stone of love and romance. It brings and enhances joy, cleansing, clairvoyance, memory, and faith. It also benefits intuition and communication, and promotes truthfulness. Emerald is associated with the heart chakra.

Epidote is a stone of increase. Epidote has a tendency to increase anything it touches, whether the thing it touches is energy or a material object. It is a stone that enhances emotional and spiritual growth. It cleanses repressed emotions once and for all. It opens the way for those who have denied spiritual growth, and those drawn to epidote are being rocked forcefully into spiritual awakening. Epidote also clears the emotional body aura. It stimulates perception, participation and interaction as well as personal power. It also dispels critcalness and closedmindedness. Epidote is also said to promote patience. In the physical realm, it is used to stimulate the immune system, aid digestion, support all healing, and stop panic attacks.

Euclase is called the happiness stone. It increases happiness by stimulating activity ruled by the heart and intuition. The energy of euclase is like a moving river in the way it cleanses blockages from the etheric body. Euclase helps one reach for goals and attain the ultimate in any area. It awakens creativity, and the forces of creativity and manifestation. It is also a wonderful crystal for improving communication skills. Euclase stimulates the crown, throat, and heart chakras.

Eudialyte is considered a personal power stone that increases and revitalizes one's personal power. Psychically, eudialyte helps with clairaudience, manifestation, and psychic resonance and abilities, and is a psychically protective stone. It is sometimes considered a "fine tuner". Eudialyte is also a stone of the heart, bringing harmony of heart matters, and dispelling jealousy. As eudialyte combines pink and red, it also brings the root and heart chakras into alignment, as well as activating the heart chakra. Emotionally it is helpful for learning to trust oneself and others, and eases compulsive behavior and thinking. Physically, eudialyte is good for healing the emotions, increasing vitality, eye problems, pancreas, thyroid, and purifying the blood.

Faden Quartz
Faden crystals (pronounced "FAH-den") is a rare formation of crystal in which there are inclusions of one or more white thread-like fibrous line formations. The Faden line is visible withint the crystal structure because it is surrounded by fluid filled or gaseous chambers or is possibly missing a molecule of oxygen. Faden crystals enhance connections of all types, including attunement between one and another. They are good for astral travel and travel on alternate dimensions. Fadens help with physical, mental and emotional stability.

Fairy Quartz
Fairy Quartz is a fledgling Spirit Quartz, showing the milky white lazer wand point and a light coating of smaller crystals growing on it. Fairy Quartz has a very soothing energy, which brings peace and calm to those in its energy field, including the groups, families, and individuals. This soothing energy is extremely beneficial for emotional pain or illness. It also brings heightened energy even as it calms. Fairy Quartz is great for meditation. Physically, Fairy Quartz is used for detoxifying the body and tissues, removing pain, and overall healing.

Fire Agate
Fire agate is a stone of courage, protection, and strength. Mystical lore says that it relieves fears, halts gossip and even reflects any threat of harm back to the source. Fire agate can help with spiritual advancement and progression. It promotes and enhances energy, including meditation, ritual, and spiritual healing energies. It also balances masculine (active) and feminine (receptive) energies. It is also said that it can take the edge off the emotional charge of problems. Fire agate is often used in spells to increase skills in communication in writing and speaking. It can also heighten creative visualization. Metaphysical healing lore professes that fire agate enhances all healing energies, and assists with healing of the circulatory system, lymph system, intestines. Fire agate is associated primarily with the sacral and root chakras.

Fluorite promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It protects psychically and in the physical realm. It helps one meditate and learn to go past the "chatter" that our minds tend to generate when first learning to meditate. It can help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues. Physically it helps general health throughout the body's main skeletal and muscular systems. All colors are also good for auric cleansing. Mixed colors bring enhanced protection in the areas enhanced by all combined types. Clear fluorite guards against psychic attack and strengthens consciousness. Blue fluorite has the quality of protecting the emotions and restoring emotional balance. Purple fluorite strengthens mystical insight, psychic awareness, and can open the third eye. Green fluorite is an excellent all purpose healing stone that promotes healing on all levels. It also promotes self-love.

Fossils can help increase accomplishments in the area of business and add excellence to one's environment. They also aid one in being open to change and new ideas. Traditionally, fossils have been used to aid in curing diseases and ailments of the skeletal system, bones, hands, and feet.

Fulgurites (Fulgerites)
Fulturies are natural glass, usually tubular, formed by lightning strikes in sand or rock. Fulgurites are high energy formations do to the nature of their birth. They are particularly noted for their ability to channel and direct energy. Fulgurites have been used to communicate with aliens and entities, or ascended beings in the spirit world. They are often used for clairaudience. Fulgurites are also used to enhance communication in the physical world, and are used as stones of leadership. Fulgurites are used by Native Americans to bring rain (cloud-busting), and as charms for protection from lightning. Weather-changing of any sort is not recommended, however, unless, as with the Native Americans, one have an exceptionally good sense of the balance of Nature. Physically, fulgurites are used in crystal healing and folklore in treatment of the immune system, ear, nose, and throat ailments, sight, thymus, tumors, growths, and colon.

Fuschite is sometimes called the "stone of health" in part because it can help access information on health. Fuschite can also help one bounce back after emotional or physical problems. It can also help get information on daily routine, stress, pets, and career. Fuschite also can bring friendliness, compassion, and lightheartedness. It is said to speed deep healing by assisting with recovery and immunity. It also increases energy transfer when multiple stones are used for healing.