Rainbow Moonstone
Rainbow moonstone has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance and harmony. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes.

Rainbow Obsidian
Rainbow Obsidian (Sheen Obsidian) is called a "stone of pleasure" because one of its most notable attributes metaphysically is bringing pleasure, enjoyment and joy to one's life. It also brings love and light to one and can bring out the Spiritual. Rainbow Obsidian is used psychically to enhance clairvoyance and is an excellent scrying stone, especially in the areas of love, relationships and self-development. It is also a very protective stone, and is especially effective in protection rituals and amulets, where it works by grounding out negativity to let light in. Thus, it is also a very grounding and centering stone. Rainbow Obsidian is primarily associated with the root chakra.

Rainforest Jasper (aka Australian Rain Forest Jasper, Rhyolite, Ryolite)
Rainforest Jasper or Australian Rainforest Jasper, is more specifically known geologically as rhyolite or ryolite. It is known as a stone of resolution and perseverence. It is said to help communication of all kinds, and helps one listen easily and without distorting the message one is hearing. It is also a wonderful stone for meditaiton. Rainforest Jasper balances the Yin/Yang (masculine and feminine) energies. It can help one allow other people into their lives, even if one has been reclusive or solitary. It is also a stone of protection. Physically, Rainforest Jasper is used for cleansing the liver, regeneration, and general healing. It is related to and helpful with the solar plexus chakra primarily, and also the throat chakra.

Red Aventurine
Red aventurine has the properties of aventurine, plus more because of its color and composition.Red aventurine enhances creativity and ability to see possibilities. It can heal the reproductive system, and sometimes reverse diseases. It also can bring prosperity and lessen negativity. Red aventurine is associated with the sacral and root chakras.

Red Calcite
Red calcite brings stability to one's will, and increases inner strength. It assists with problem solving. It can also attract love. Physically red calcite is beneficial for genitals, reproductive organs, gonads, ovaries, hips, lets, feet, stiff muscles and joints.

Red Jasper
Red jasper is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in mystical dreamwork, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger. Red jasper is associated with the first and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing effect, and help one take all one's energy and use it in a balanced manner. It is also said to be a stone that helps in all areas of survival, and is a very protective stone. Red jasper said in gemstone lore to be a stone of controlled passion and used to help control one's own passions. Crystal healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and disease.

Red Tigers Eye
Red Tigers Eye enhances integrity of self and can be very grounding. It can help one have the practicality and willpower to take care of oneself fully. It is a survival stone and helps with the correct use of power for survival in difficult times.

Rhodozite is sometimes called the "master crystal." It is a truly positive energy stone that never needs to be cleared or charged. Rhodizite assists with astral travel by helping you get and process the information needed from the astral travel. It is also very helpful for meditation, making stilling the mind much easier. Madagascar Shamans are said to use rhodizite for "cloud busting" and initiating rain. Energetically, rhodizite is very powerful for unlocking and clearing blockages, and activating all the chakras. Physically, rhodizite is helpful for cancer, tissue inflammation, cellular diseases, pH balance in the body, stabilizing brain function, and is an excellent energy booster for all types of healing.

Rhodocrosite (sometimes spelled Rhodochrosite)
Rhodocrosite is an elegant pink and white stone called the "stone of love and balance" as it balances and enhances love on all levels. It allows fuller love to enter one's life, in part by calming excessive passions. It energizes and cleanses the base, sacral and heart chakras, as well as balancing the mental and emotional processes. Traditionally rhodocrosite has been considered good for the digestion, the heart, the kidneys, the pulse rate, and the thyroid.

Rhodonite is a stone of grace and elegance. It decreases anxiety while increasing attention to detail. It works beneficially on the heart chakra, opening one to unconditional love and increased service to mankind. It is a stone of inner growth as well, and helps with self-love. It is also a calming stone, with energies used for easing anger. It is said to bring emotional balance, and as such bring confidence in one's life in many areas. Rhodonite is also a stone of contrasts. The bright pinks indicate energy that enhances passionate love, and is used in metaphysics to attract a good mate. This stone can help one have a passionate love that is also grounded, or help mend a broken heart. Rhodonite is a stone often used in crystal healing for healing trauma and abuse issues. Physically it has been said to help with emphysema, joint inflammation, ears, heaing, immune system, the pituitary gland, thyroid, light sensitivity, strep throat and heart disorders.

Richterite is a stone of calmness, relaxation and strength. It is said to help lessen the "fight or flight" syndrome associated with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and other anxiety states. It is said to help one balance action and reaction, and handle life in a calm, steady, and strong manner. When one is already in a relaxed state such as meditation, richterite can profoundly deepen the relaxation, allowing the body freedom to heal more fully, grow stronger, and for the mind to expand into higher states of awareness. As a throat chakra stone, richterite is involved with communication, but rather than external communication it is primarily involved with communication within the entity or person. Physically richterite is used in folklore and spiritual healing to aid in healing of circulation problems, glandular problems, particularly thyroid problems, respiratory problems, parasites, fevers of various kinds, and typhoid. Richterite is commonly associated with the throat (5th) chakra.

Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection energies during pregnancy and childbirth. The elevated energy of quartz gives rose quartz a property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. It also brings gentleness, forgiveness, and tolerance. Rose quartz is also said to be helpful with weight loss. Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra.

Rubellite is pink to red tourmaline. It is a stone of balance and calm. Emotionally, rubellite helps bring emotional balance and helps open up, relax, and detach from personal pain. It can be used with lepidolite as a super-powerful energy for calming people in distress. As prosperity is a natural effect of a life in balance, rubellite also brings abundance. Rubellite is also a stone of passion, bringing passionate energy and love. Physically, rubellite balances the body's electrochemical system, strengthens immune system, heals backaches, and reproductive system disorders, detoxifies the blood, assists with recovery, and eases the effects of radiation poisoning. Rubellite is associated with the sacral and root chakras, as well as the heart chakra.

Ruby brings integrity, devotion and happiness. It also enhances generosity and brings prosperity. Ruby brings and increases romantic love. Ruby is a stone that has been known to be very protective of home, worldly possession, children, and psychic protection. It is a stone of high energy and power that promotes healing on all levels. Ruby is associated with the root chakra.

Ruby Aura (Ruby Aura Quartz)
Ruby Aura Quartz is quartz that is treated by permanently bonding platinum or gold and platinum to the surface of quartz crystal. Crystal healing and metaphysical lore of Ruby Aura is as follows. Ruby aura is a stone of passion and vitality. It is also very protective, especially so in times of upheaval and turmoil, and against aggression and violence. It is helpful for overcoming survival issues of all kinds and cleansing the base or root chakra. Physically, in crystal healing and traditional folklore, ruby aura is used in healing the back, feet, hips spine, and legs.

Ruby in Fuschite
Ruby in Fuschite brings together the energies of ruby and fuschite and creates a synergy that is more than the sum of the parts. Ruby in Fuschite does, of course, have properties of both the Ruby and the Fuschite that comprise it. But as a conglomerate stone, it also has additional metaphysical properties lore. Ruby in Fuschite is especially known in the mystic as balancing stimulation with intuition, making it a great stone for psychic work in a very powerful way. It can also bring a great deal of awareness of problems of all kinds, whether emotional stress, social issues, lifestyle or physical health, and use this awareness to find solutions. Ruby in Fuschite is also said to help one understand Love at a Higher level. Physically, in crystal healing lore, Ruby in Fuschite is said to be helpful with ailments where body functions are out of balance, carpal tunnel syndrome, blood and spleen issues, and virility. Ruby in Fuschite is also said to be helpful when used in groups of multiple stones for crystal healing to amplify the healing energies of the stones.

Ruby in Zoisite
Ruby in Zoisite is an energy amplification stone that can energize the entire field of one's body. It is used for psychic ability and empowerment, as well as altered states of consciousness. Ruby in Zoisite stimulates the crown chakra. Physically, it is beneficial for heart disorders, and physical vitality.

Rudraksha Seeds
Rudraksha (or Rudraksa) is the dried fruit of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus, which grows mostly in Indonesia.. Rudraksa literally translates to: Rudra=Shiva’s aksa=Eye, meaning that it is pleasing to the eye of Shiva. Sometimes it is referred to as "Tears of Shiva". Hindu holy literature has it that Rudraksha beads, also known as Rudraksa, have many special powers, including curing all types of ailments and absolving all kinds of sins. The number of facets each bead has changes the number and types of sins that the seed can absolve. Altogether, Rudraksha is a powerful healing and absolution component according to traditional Hinduism.

Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated quartz is said to assist with tissue regeneration, assimilation of nutrition, and slow the advancement of aging. It is also said to boost the immune system and treat respiratory illness. Rutiliated quartz is also a mystical crystal "diagnostic tool" which can help discover the true cause of an ailment. Rutilated quartz is also purported to enhance mental and physical stability, self-reliance, and meditation on feminine ideas. It is reputed by intuitives and folklore to diminish fears, depression and issues with decision-making. Rutilated quartz is associated with the solar plexus chakra.