Gaia Stone
Gaia Stone is green obsidian from volcanish ash of the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's, and carries strong Earth energy, even the "soul of the Earth." Gaia Stone enhances Goddess connection, connection with Earth and Earth devas. It also brings prosperity. Gaia Stone is especially good for self-healing emotional wounds and past traumas. Gaia Stone is primarily associated with the heart chakra, but can also be used to harmonize all the chakras.

Galaxite, or Galaxyite, is a micro-labradorite with intense energy. It is sometimes known as the "aura stone" because one of its most noticable energetic characteristics is that of protecting, cleansing, and balancing the aura. It can protect the aura also by stopping energy leakages. Galaxite is also a stone of transformation, especially assisting in spiritual, mystical, and intuitive growth and transformation. It enhances both the conscious intellect and the subsconscious mind, and eases stress and anxiety. Galaxite is helpful for astral travel and astral projection. It can also assist in contacting beings from other dimensions and planes. Physically, galaxite is helpful for stress-related illnesses, anxiety disorders, brain disorders, digestion, metabolic illnesses. Galaxite is associated primarily with the crown chakra.

Galena is a primary source of lead, and as such is not recommended for internal use such as making gem elixirs, or for children, and hands and surfaces should be washed after handling. It is, though, a "stone of harmony" and brings healing, calmness, efficiency, receptivity, communication and insight. It has been known to decrease inflammations and skin eruptions, and help with circulation problems and hair growth. Carried in a medicine bag or pocket, though, it has grounding properties.

Garnet is a stone of romantic love and passion. It is used in metaphysics to enhance sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy. It is said to bring positive thoughts and boosts energy, and be excellent for manifestation. It can also assist mystically with success in one's career and building one's self-confidence. It is also a protective energy stone which is especially effective for protection from evil, and is used for gentle spiritual healing. Lore says that garnet can heal the blood, heart and lungs. Garnet is associated primarily with the root chakra, but also with other chakras depending on its color.

Gaspeite is a recently discovered stone in the western hemisphere, found in 1966 and was initially a discarded byproduct of nickel sulfide mining. Emotionally, it reduces distress and brings assurance. It also reduces ignorance, particularly emotional ignorance. It also helps attracts friends and friendship. Aboriginals use gaspeite to bring visions and grant success. Metaphysically, gaspeite is best known for helping to bring spirituality into every day life. It brings good fortune and helps prevent loss. Physically gaspeite has been used for heart problems, lungs, andgallbladder. Gaspeite is primarily related to the heart chakra.

Girasol, also known as "Blue Opal Quartz" and "Moon Opal" though it is not an opal at all, is a stone of gentle but powerful energy. It can enhance and mirror feelings. This makes it excellent for visualization, imagination, dreamwork, and guided direction of energy. Girasol enhances communication skills including freely speaking thoughts you've been holding back. Girasol encourages and enhances creativity in the artistic and practical areas. It is also a powerful healing stone that works in a strong but gentle way to enhance healing on all levels. Girasol is particularly helpful for metabolic disorders like diabetes and others, and fatigue and chronic fatigue.

Glass (Manmade)
Glass is an ancient material, one of the most ancient known and used by man. The first glass used was natural obsidian, volcanic glass, used to make arrowheads, knives, jewelry, etc. Glass objects created of manmade glass are reported to have been found as early from as 4,500 BC in Mesopotamia and 3,000 BC in ancient Egypt. Many consider glass to have no metaphysical properties, but others who are aware, realize that glass has energy like all else in the Universe, and thus has its own set of properties. Glass is a melding of the traditional four elements, because through fire and air the silica earth element is made molten and transmuted into a liquid only to return to its earthly state as a solid. It can be made to focus light or allow light to pass through invisibly or carry lightwaves great distances through tiny strands. Metaphysically, glass represents and carries the energies of transformation, merging of elements, rebirth, focus and communication.

Glendonite (Glendenite)
Glendonite is a teaching stone of learning, discovery, and understanding . It supports the learning process by helping process information and thoughts in easy to understand terms. Because of this, it may help discover one's life purpose. Physically glendenite helps heal broken bones, abrasions, regenerates cells, and makes teeth and bones stronger. It is also known as a stone that helps make a loving home and good family life.

While the 14 Karat gold filled jewelry is not solid gold, the gold in the gold filled wire can still have an energetic impact. Traditional folklore and crystal healing metaphysical lore say the following about gold. Gold can balance energy fields, and is beneficial for opening and balancing the third eye and crown chakras. It can also balance the heart chakra. It can remove negative energy from the chakras and bring in the positive from the stones it is with. It has been used to bring wealth, happiness and good feelings. Gold is a mineral of spirituality, understanding, and attunement to nature. It attracts positive energy and is a great healing mineral.

Goldstone has been called the stone of ambition and drive, and as such is said to help attain one's goals. Goldstone is also said to help one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies, making it used as a protection stone. It is also used for long distance healing and revitalizing one's energy field. Goldstone also has many of the metaphysical properties of copper, including strengthening the circulatory system, strengtheningbones, and easing arthritis pain. Goldstone is actually a manmade glass with flecks of copper suspended in it, which give it the sparkles. Goldstone was originally created by French monks, and in time the secret was lost. It's been rediscovered or recreated in modern times, though, and goldstone is a popular material because of its beauty as well as its metaphysical properties lore.

Gold Reef Quartz
Gold Reef Quartz is a combination of clear quartz and chlorite. The quartz brings high energy and chlorite is a very power healing mineral. Gold Reef Quartz is good for crystal healing layouts, warding off psychic attack, warding or guarding an environment. They are excellent healing stones, and are helpful for healing on all levels. Gold Reef Quartz can also help diminish and remove anger, frustration, and hostility.

Golden Healer Quartz Crystal
Golden Healer crystals are excellent for crystal healing, and are said to be helpful when used in any healing situation. Golden Healers also help keep contact with the spiritual worlds. It is said by some that Golden Healers access Christ consciousness as well as activating the solar plexus chakra to join our will with Divine will. Golden Healers also align all the chakras and balance yin/yang energies.

Goshenite is colorless beryl. It is a stone of truthfulness that encourages truth in all actions and particularly in giving one's word. Goshenite bring self-control, creativity, and originality. It makes communication easier and can stabilize relationships. Goshenite is used for healing the leg muscles.

Green Calcite
Green calcite increases success, prosperity, business, and fertility of all kinds. It is an excellent stone for gardening. It is also considered a stone of manifestation because of it's ability to develop increase in all areas. Green calcite enhances intuition and psychic abilities. In the physical realm, green calcite benefits the heart, thymus, chest, shoulders, and lower lungs, heartburn, nervous tics, stammering, neurosis, arthritis and joint pain, kidney, bladder, general pain. Green calcite is also especially beneficial for healing tumors and other malignancies.

Green Millenniumâ„¢
Green Millenniumâ„¢ is a stone of balance and harmony in changing times. It can help bring a state of emotionally detached focus, and creates a feeling of safety, allowing healing and balance of one's deepest fears which are exacerbated by changing times. It strengthens the immune system, repairs holes in the aura, helps with addictions, nightmares, anxiety, loss of focus, digestion of emotionally troubling experiences. Carrying a piece of the rough stone or a polished piece in the pocket will be helpful to start the process of bringing cohesive energy flow to ones life.

Gyrolite is a mineral that has particularly positive effects on the metaphysical properties of other minerals by activating them and cleansing them. It is used to connect the physical body with the auric bodies. Gyrolite is good for meditation and is said to bring the wisdom of ancient civilizations, insight, willpower, and stability. It is also said to assist with self-confidence, as well as overcome excessive introversion and addictive behaviors. Mystical and Healing Lore purports that gyrolite helps align the spine, assimilation of calcium, cellular maintenance, bone structure, acupuncture, and emotional healing.