Tanzanite is sometimes called the "workaholic's stone". This is because it helps you slow down and take it easy. This in turn, brings success in more areas of life. It relieves stress and enhances composure, poise, and harmony. Physically it is beneficial for stress related illnesses and high blood pressure in particular.

Tektites are used for wisdom, knowledge, and to help withstand mental or emotional "stumbling." They are also used to dimish or overcome challenges with mental processes. Psychically they are used for extraterrestrial communication, astral travel, and lucid dreaming. Tektites are also used to strengthen one's energy field.

Thulite, sometimes called unionite or pink zoisite is a stone of nurturing in a deep and full way. It aids understanding and healing the pains and illnesses caused by a lack of nurturing, even abuse. Crystal healers and psychic healers will find thulite helpful when working with survivors of incest, physical abuse, emotional abuse, abandonment, and neglect. Survivors themselves often find thulite comforting and helpful in combating self-sabotage, low self-esteem, and other life-long symptoms of abuse and neglect. Others will find that thulite can help them too, by helping them nurture themselves and those they love. Thulite is helpful for bringing healing of eating disorders including anorexia and bulemia, loneliness. Thulite helps bring nurturing love and understanding of love to one's life, and can help bring harmony in relationships or communities. In addition, thulite is a stone for the central nervous system that enhances coordination, concentradion, and dexterity by bringing the mind and body into alignment together to work together at their highest capacity. Artists, craftspeople and others who work with their hands can find thulite extremely helpful. Athletes can also find thulite very helpful because of its boost of these qualities, which can improve their athletic performance. Thulite is usually related to the root chakra, particularly the darker shades, although it is also related to the heart chakra by many.

Tibetan "Black" Quartz
Tibetan "Black" Quartz is a powerful stone with purifying energies and the vibration of the "OM". It is called "Black" quartz because it often has black inclusions, although clear examples exist too. It can be used for balancing all chakras and meridians. It can also be used for very powerful energy grids and deep spiritual meditation. Tibetan "Black" Quartz is also excellent for dissolving energy blockages and purifying energies. This makes it superb for protection of the aura or an environment and will also purify the aura or environment. Tibetan "Black" Quartz is often used in the corners of a room for purifying energies and protecting the space from negative energies. Wearing or carrying this type of quartz will cleanse the aura and protect it from negative influences, as well as helping ground the wearer. Physically, Tibetan "Black" Quartz is used in crystal healing for powerful healing of any type, removal of toxins and other impurities, and moving illness energies out of the body.

Tibetan Scepter Quartz
Scepter crystals are popularly believed to have been used by the priests/priestesses of Atlantis and Lemuria. They remind you of who you are and why you are here, and give courage, particularly to take action. Scepter crystals help one establish a firm connection to the "true self".

Tiffany Stone (Opalized Fluorite, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream Opalite, Purple Opal)
Tiffany Stone (aka Opalized Fluorite, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream Opalite, Purple Opal) is a highly energetic but subtle stone. Psychically it helps with communication and interpretation of psychically received information of all kinds, including telepathic, channeled, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and others. Energetically it is excellent for removing energy blockages of the meridians and chakras. Tiffany Stone is helpful emotionally by assisting transitions during changes of all kinds, engendering persistence and emotional strength, and verbalizing hidden or secret feelings. Tiffany Stone is also beneficial for business and business success. Physically, Tiffany Stone boosts the sex drive and can enhance sexual experience, and is an all-around healing stone. Tiffany Stone is associated primarily with the third eye chakra.

Tiger's Eye
Tiger's Eye (Tiger Eye) is a stone of protection that is also very grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. Tiger's eye is also a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel. It can also help one see clearly without illusion. Tiger's eye brings a special boost to the solar plexus chakra and to one's personal power.

Tiger Iron
Tiger iron, sometimes called mugglestone, is a combination of hematite, red jasper, and sometimes yellow jasper or golden tiger eye. It is a grounding stone that also brings protection, especially protection from danger. It is also a stone of clarity, particularly clarity of knowledge, enabling one to see the truth below the apparent surface of issues. Tiger Iron also helps with creative endeavors and all types of artistic abilities. It is used to bring strength, vitality, confidence, willpower, and balance. It is an excellent stone for people wishing to bring more motivation to their lives. In folklore and crystal healing lore, Tiger Iron is said to balance white and red blood cells, increase natural steroids, and improve muscular structure, and help with healing legs, sexual organs, liver, and the nervous system. Tiger Iron is related to the sacral and root chakras.

Topaz is a powerful stone in the way that quartz is. It is a balancing and calming stone that balances emotions, releases tension, balances emotions, and can bring joy. Topaz is also believed to bring success and good fortune, and synchronicity. It is also used for protection, particularly protection from the evil eye and greed. It also is said to bring creativity, individuality, true love, and hope. Spiritually it brings in spiritual love and peace. Physically, topaz aids with gout, blood disorders, hemorrhages, poor appetite, tissue regeneration, tuberculosis, aging (reverses), endocrine system.

Topaz, Blue
Blue topaz brings leadership ability to anyone who wears or carries it. It also enhances and improves psychic knowledge, spiritual growth, and psychic insight. It also lends and air of tranquility in those endeavors.

Tourmaline increases flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion and serenity. It also enhances tolerance and understanding. It is a stone that is very helpful for channeling. Tourmaline is also a very protecting stone. Tourmaline is often associated with the heart chakra, particularly watermelon tourmaline, where it opens one to accept love. Other colors of tourmaline are associated with the chakra of the same color.

Tourmaline, Black (Schorl)
Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is associated with the root or base chakra, and is excellent for grouding excess energy. It is a well known as a purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is very protective. It can transform and remove negativity from an individual or an environment. It is often used as an aura cleanser, and can help one attain higher levels of awareness. Black tourmaline is also used for repelling and protecting one from black magick, and is often said to return the negative spell to the sender. Some claim that black tourmaline deflects all kinds of energy, but my personal experience is that it's not so. It is possible that the black tourmaline's effect of grounding excess energy gives this impression. Black tourmaline has also been used to deflect radiation energy from tv's and computer monitors. Emotionally, black tourmaline is excellent for dispelling fears, obsessions, and neuroses, bringing emotional stability. Physically, black tourmaline can strengthen the immune system, help with heart disease, arthritis, and gout.

Tourmalated Quartz
Tourmalated quartz, also known as tourmaline in quartz, is an excellent protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength. It deflects and grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety and depression.

Tree Agate (Dendritic Agate)
Tree (Dendritic) Agate is said to assist with introspection and self-discovery. It can give a wider viewpoint of the world. Tree agate relives tension, fever, and skin eruptions. It also brings plentiful crops.

Transvaal "Jade" (Praetorianite, Massive Green Garnet)
Transvaal "Jade" is also called Praetorianite, for the locality it comes from. It isn't, however, a type of jade at all. It is actually a type of massive grossular green garnet.

Turitella (Turitella agate) is a protective stone. It is especially good protection against spells. As with all fossils, it can help increase accomplishments in the area of business and add excellence to one's environment. They also aid one in being open to change and new ideas. Traditionally, fossils have been used to aid in curing diseases and ailments of the skeletal system, bones, hands, and feet.

Turquonite (Turquenite)
Turquonite is howlite that is dyed blue to resemble turquoise, and is often falsely sold as turquoise. It balances and evens out mood fluctuations and brings inner peace. Because the stone is actually howlite, it has the properties of howlite of decreasing an overly critical state of mind, selfishness, stress, pain, and rudeness; increases sublety and tact. It helps bones, teeth, calcium levels and leg cramps. It also heightens creativity.

Turquoise is sacred to both Native American and oriental traditions. It is associated with the sky, and bringing sky energy to earth. It can help promote honest and clear communication from the heart. It is also said to protect against pollution in the environment, and to bring abundance. Turquoise can also help speed the healing process, and is known as a master healer stone. It is very powerful for grounding and protection also.