
Northern Hemisphere: June 20-23
Southern Hemisphere: December 20-23

    Most people believe June 21st is the START of summer, but this isnt true. Summer starts on Beltane, in May. June 21st is when Summer is at its peak. That is why Litha is often called Midsummer. It is the time of the Summer Solistice, when we have the longest daylight of the year, and of course, the shortest night. Because of the energy and power attributed to this, Litha is the time when magick is at its most powerful.

    Litha is one of the four lesser sabbats. Celebrations usually start midnight June 20th,and continue on until the 23rd.

    Litha is a time for parties,music,dance and bonfires,all to honour the sun God and encourage it to reach its fullest potential. Midsummer night`s eve is possibly the most popular wiccan celebration with its connections to the Faery folk lore.

    This holiday represents the Sun King in all his glory. It is a celebration of passion and of ensuring the success of the crop.The Goddess is heavy with pregnancy and so is the earth.In many Wiccan celebrations, this is when the Oak King, who represents the waxing year, is triumphed over by the Holly King, who represents the waning year.

    Healing's and love magic are especially suitable at this time. Midsummer Night is when the Druids gathered their sacred and magical plants, and dried and stored them for winter.

    Dyad Moon, Lovers Moon, and Mead Moon

    Fire, Sun Wheels, Faeries

    White, Red, Gold, Green, Blue and Tan

    all Father Gods and Mother Goddesses, Pregnant Goddesses and Sun Deities

    Traditional Foods
    Fresh vegetables of all kinds and fresh fruits such as lemons and oranges. Other standard fare may be pumpernickel bread as well as Summer squash and any yellow or orange colored foods. Flaming foods are also appropriate. Traditional drinks are ale, mead, and fresh fruit juice of any kind.

    Emerald, Jade, Lapis Lazuli

    Herbs and Growths
    Mugwort, Vervain, Rose, Honeysuckle, Lily, Lavender, Ivy, Yarrow, Fern,Elder, Wild Thyme, Daisy, Carnation.

    Lemon, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Rose, Wisteria.

    Woods Burned

    Magical Affiliations associated with Litha
    Creativity, God Energy, Power,
    Psychic Attainment and Love.

    Focus of Litha
    On this day, the noon of the year and the longest day, light and life are abundant. We focus outward, experiencing the joys of plenty, tasting the first fruits of the season.